2010 Camp!
On week 3 in the first term of school 2010, rooms 9, 10, 16 and 17 went to camp!
On week 3 in the first term of school 2010, rooms 9, 10, 16 and 17 went to camp!
One day Miss Davies was walking back from an Anawhata Crew assembly. We were all sitting in class when suddenly "Hey guys I've got an idea!" said Miss Davies as she walked into the classroom. The class was really excited when the word idea popped up because we all knew that Miss Davies ideas were really wacky and funny.
It has been such a busy time for us here in the 7teen Crew. We have had camp on Kawau Island, we have got to know each other and we are really enjoying learning. We even have our class motto which is what we strive to live by - it is RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESILIENCE! We display these attitudes and values in all areas of our lives
We have even had time to do a 'flash mob' dance in the middle of lunch eating time last Monday - it was a lot of fun and the other classes are now looking to take up our challenge.
Keep checking back here to see what we are up to - we are learning lots and enjoying the start to our year.
Anawhata represent!