
Aashay, Shari, Atarah, Michael and Ezrah taught everyone in the class how to make a glogster.
A glogster is when you can make your own page. You can add videos, pictures and you can draw anything you want. I got taught by Aashay.
In Aashays group there was Emma, Daniel and me. Aashay told us where to click and where not to click. It was really fun when I clicked random pictures. I made a random person. It had a big head and a hippie symbol for the ears. After that I added wings for the arms and the legs. I called it Random Person. On the background I added hippie symbols again and then I added clouds and lightning.
Aashay asked if everyone was finished. Emma, Daniel and I said yes.
Everyone in my group went back to work.

1 Response to "Glogster"

  1. Dean P says:

    I teached Aashay how to use Glogster (NO ACTUALLY I DID!) I'f u think I'm lying even ask Aashay.


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