Te Marae Visit

On Monday the 28th June Anawhata and Piha went on a Marae visit it was very strange because it was to somewhere I had never been before. We went to Hoani Waititi Marae.

It was very fun and exciting. When we got there, we had to re arrange ourselves because the boys were at the front but the boys needed to be at the back.
Once we were all sorted out and headed inside we saw the lady doing the Karanga [call] it was very loud so it echoed around.
After that we went inside and we sat down and did our performance the first row of boys did a Hongi with the people of the Marae.
Then we did this hunt for the bird on the front of the Marae, it was in 1 of its finger nails!
We had morning tea, came back into the Marae and they taught us some hand games and then lunch.
We listened to some stories the first story was about a giant octopus, the 2nd was about Maui and the sting ray, and the last was about the 2 brothers building Marae's against each other and a whale which only 1 brother's village could eat.
I felt happy because I don't think I will get to go there again!

1 Response to "Te Marae Visit"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think yours is very cool and also the marae was fun.

    from Anjali

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